Read it and weep (with joy): Mrs. K’s new reading challenge begins


As we ring in the new year, many people come up with their personal new year’s resolutions… and ultimately drop them within  the first couple of weeks. 

Well, Mrs. K, GRC’s involved librarian, has decided to come up with  a New Year’s resolution for the entire school — and there are prizes.

“I thought it would be fun to do a school wide reading challenge that everyone could participate in and grow as readers.” shares Mrs. K.  “The title of the challenge, ‘New Year, New Me’ encourages students to step outside their comfort zone and try reading new things. “

In the “New Year, New Me” challenge, students are tasked to read five books of different genres by May. This is a very achievable goal, and encourages students to read, something often taken for granted and ignored. 

All you have to do to get started is to see Mrs. K, and get a “New Year, New Me” bookmark. After reading a book, you’ll fill out a 2-3 sentence book review on a card that Mrs. K will give you.

The first five books have to be from the library and from different genres. This ensures Mrs. K knows the book, and also lets students explore genres they may not be familiar with. After your five books, you can continue the challenge and read your personal books from any genre. 

You might not think you can read five books by May, but Mrs. K has offered some incentives. 

After reading one book and turning in the slip to Mrs. K, your English teacher will be given candy to give to you for your hard work. Knowing there will be sweet surprises when you complete the challenge should be motivation to join the fun.

The real reward is when you read all five books. Your name is entered to win various door prizes, and each extra book you read is an extra entry for your name to be pulled.

You’re also guaranteed to go to the pizza and Ale-8 party, and who wouldn’t want to miss class for pizza and an Ale-8? 

Your books must be read by mid-May with an exact date to be announced later.

“Sometimes you find out you were missing out on something amazing because you never tried it,” says Mrs. K. “I didn’t grow as a reader and develop a love of reading until I graduated college. I think this happened because I had a set mindset about reading, and never tried to branch out and try new things. I wish someone would have encouraged me to try reading different genres.” 

Mrs. K is now giving students this chance.

With a little motivation of prizes, students have the amazing opportunity to broaden their horizons and develop a love for reading. 

Take this challenge, and have fun reaping the benefits in May with an ice-cold Ale-8 and an expanded mind.

Getting to know Mrs. K