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Smoke Signals Student Media

The student news site of George Rogers Clark High School

Smoke Signals Student Media

Taylor Swift is overrated and here’s why


Taylor Swift has been making music for 19 years now, and has amassed a large amount of attention. It would not be unfair to say she is the most popular artist in the world today. But is this fame warranted? We don’t think so. Here are some of the reasons why.

Owen Rainey


A lot of Taylor Swift songs sound almost the same. There is a difference between her old style and new style but overall, every song feels very similar to the other. When she first started they were all country love songs with the same exact lyrics, but with a slightly different instrumental. That being said, some of her early songs are catchy and I do enjoy them from time to time. But her newer songs are all about how she broke up with her latest boyfriend and they can be dreadful to listen to. In almost every new song she rambles on and on about how it was their fault, and that she misses what they have and it’s mentally draining to sit through. Her latest album is just a re-recorded version of an old album she released years ago. There’s more context to why she did this, but there’s nothing new to enjoy in this album. I know I’m being harsh on her, but Taylor herself is relatively unproblematic. She seems like she’s a genuinely good person but good people don’t always make good music. I really just don’t understand how she has been able to garner so many fans and so much attention. She has her moments of some quality music but they are far and few between. She isn’t awful but she is definitely overrated.

Clay Turley


Here’s the thing: Taylor Swift herself isn’t that bad. She makes a decent song every now and then when a new guy breaks up with her, and they can be tolerable. The thing that kills me are all her fans. They remind me of those throbbing spike thingies in Monsters University that release a toxic chemical when touched. One of the worst things about them is that they think their opinion is above everyone else’s. They literally praise Taylor like she’s some god that can do no wrong and say that nobody else is close to being as good as her. But then as soon as a person says they’re not a fan of her and like someone else more, the Swifties will band together to shame them, saying their opinion is insufferable. They are literally a cult with no other goal than to make Taylor Swift queen of the world. Another thing that really gets me is how hype they get when she releases something new. New concert? Fans that couldn’t get tickets because they sell out in 2 seconds listen in the parking lot. When she re-releases an album and changes 5 of the words in a song? Nobody better bother them until they’re done listening and/or crying over the “genius” of it. There’s just no end when it comes to praising her. They literally made a movie about her where all of the cult members could meet up and worship her. I’d rather watch paint drying on a 10-hour loop. So while I have no problem with Taylor Swift herself and her music, I cannot stand the Swiftie community.

Eli Roach


Personally I disagree with both of them. I think Taylor Swift is entirely intolerable. I can’t name a song that I would enjoy sitting through. It genuinely irks me when she re-releases the exact same music and makes millions and hits the top charts. I have heard from the Swifties that the changes she makes are very minor. So why does she get this amount of recognition for such little change? I know that this is mostly because of her ignorant fanbase, but Clay is covering them, so I won’t go into that mess. Moreover, I think it’s ridiculous that even some of the most prestigious awards are given to someone who makes subpar music. It’s like she has a hold on anyone who listens to her music religiously. The people who give her these awards should be the hardest judges on music in their category. So why do they give her these awards? Furthermore, the amount of money that Swift just made from her concert is absurd. It is reported that she made over $4 billion. And I chalk it up to her fanbase yet again for her success. Some of her obsessed fans were willing to pay over $10,000 for tickets. This is unhealthy. I think for the sake of everyone, we should stop treating Taylor as a god, and start treating her like a mediocre artist.

Ryan Jackson


It’s possible to praise one artist without bashing another, a foreign concept to some of Swift’s fanbase. Any time any artist takes home an award over Swift, her fanbase is quick to attack both the artist and those giving the artist the award. In general, her fanbase also tends to treat their fandom of her as a personality trait. At a certain point you have to start asking what she does differently than other artists to have pushed her to this level of fame. Her music is no different from any other pop artist of today, and while I do enjoy some of her older music, the only thing that sets them apart from other songs is that they are mildly catchy. Expressing that you don’t like her automatically sets people against you, and is inherently alienating. I also don’t believe that artists should be larger than life, and the fact that an artist can have a literal impact on the economy of a country is concerning on any level. I think it’s time to stop idolizing her, and to see her as just an artist, whether you like her music or not.


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About the Contributors
Clay Turley
Clay Turley, Multimedia Staff
Hey, my name is Clay Turley and I’m so excited to be a part of Smoke Signals for my second year. A little bit about me is that I love playing sports with my friends and kicking their butts. I also love reading, playing guitar, going to church, and hanging out with my family. So that’s all the boring stuff about me; now to get into the fun stuff. I think that Inception is the best movie of all time, country music is by far the best, and hot dogs are superior to cheeseburgers. Don’t trust anyone who says something different.
Owen Rainey
Owen Rainey, Multimedia Staff
My name is Owen Rainey, and I am a senior member of the Smoke Signals staff. I play soccer for GRC and am involved in Beta Club and National Honor Society. I love being active and staying in shape, but I don’t necessarily like lifting weights. I’m more of a calisthenics kind of guy. I believe pineapple on pizza should be classified as a federal crime. I’m an only child and, but somehow the dog is my parent’s favorite. My proudest accomplishment is being the “voice” of a child with Cerebral Palsy, Lane Hartzel. My greatest claim to fame is having my shirt in a commercial. There are a lot of different things that make me who I am, and this is just a small part of that. Also, shoutout to Ryan Jackson.
Eli Roach
Eli Roach, Multimedia Staff
My name is Eli Roach and I’m a part of the multimedia staff for Smoke Signals. I love soccer, music, and food. I play for GRC boys soccer, but for now you can find me on the IR. Outside of soccer I enjoy hanging out with my friends, spending time at the Rowland Arts Center downtown, and eating at MOD Pizza in Hamburg. Fun Fact: Joby Mitmesser (Managing Editor) and I have been to MOD so many times that the workers know us by name. Also, regardless of what Liam Parido says, I am the best dressed member of Smoke Signals staff.
Ryan Jackson
Ryan Jackson, Multimedia Staff
I’m Ryan, and I’m a senior member of the Smoke Signals staff. I’ve played tennis at GRC for two seasons, and I’m looking forward to my third and final season this spring. I also helped found a non-profit organization called BedHeads, which delivers beds to kids in the county who don’t have access to one. Kanye is absolutely, unequivocally superior to Taylor Swift in every possible aspect...if you think otherwise you are simply wrong. You may know me as the tall dude with a deep voice and bad knees, but I’m a lot more than that. My ankles hurt too sometimes. Shoutout to Owen Rainey.

Comments (96)

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  • K

    Katrina McLeanJul 22, 2024 at 11:24 am

    I can’t listen to any of what she tries to pass off as music. Repetitive, super-annoying juvenile junk. I don’t know why anyone listens to it. I’d rather hear a terrier yap.

  • N

    NishatJul 10, 2024 at 10:52 am

    I think she is really overrated
    She sings well,It’s okay.But she doesn’t deserve the huge fame that earned.
    She is considered to be the top English singer,what is totally useless.
    There are many Singers with excellent talents but they are not famous that much.
    She just shows her bikini dresses and attracts audiences,there’s nothing special in her
    However, she has gained a huge popularity and just using this advantages
    Almost all songs are same and nothing so attractive

  • C

    Christine JacobsonJul 4, 2024 at 9:38 pm

    I agree that Taylor is way overrated. Her songs are so similar…not much variety and very repetitious. She does the same musical stuff, unlike the Beatles who had a truly wide variety of styles. Taylor is ONE style. That’s it. She doesn’t have half the talent of many of the artists today like Alicia Keys. But…she is beautiful and appeals to the teen crowd and they have made her famous.

  • I

    Infinity CreelJul 4, 2024 at 5:04 am

    Ok, something I noticed was that, all of these opinions are guys opinions, when most of Swift’s fanbase are girls and women. Don’t you think it’s a little weird and kinda ironic that a bunch of guys think it’s cringy and repetitive? Like why don’t we ask some women and see what their reasons are because I’m sure they might be just a bit better than the guys. I feel like as a woman I have more experience with Taylor Swift than a guy would. I’m not saying that’s every situation but still.

  • M

    MillieJul 3, 2024 at 9:02 am

    I like some of her songs but I agree that all her songs are all about her breaking up with her ex. The eras tour is just her dancing around underdressed or over dressed singing about Betty or something or other, who cares?!? She is massively over-rated and is pretty mid .

  • E

    EricJun 21, 2024 at 7:24 pm

    I really like a lot of her songs and I believe she’s super talented at what she does. She’s just everywhere at the moment, and let’s be real, if she wasn’t so popular right now, we wouldn’t even be talking about her. Also, the more you make articles like this and complain about her presence is only making her more overexposed, bad publicity is still publicity.

  • S

    ScottJun 18, 2024 at 11:36 am

    What on earth was that? I could’ve gotten this opinion from any random person in my neighborhood. I’m not even a Swiftie, but I wholeheartedly disagree with these viewpoints. Why would anyone write this drivel? It’s completely devoid of factual evidence or sources—just pure disdain for Taylor’s music. Who cares what these critics think? I’d love to know their playlists. I bet it’s filled with “original” music that sounds oh-so-unique from one track to the next, and definitely no songs about love or breakups. Because, of course, nobody ever writes about heartbreak or blames their exes! This piece was clearly designed to rile up a specific group of fans.

  • N

    NOSWIFTIESJun 17, 2024 at 6:02 pm

    Personally I agree with Clay, her music isn’t bad it’s just her fanbase that kills me.

  • R

    Rocket MortonJun 8, 2024 at 4:00 am

    Thanks guys; and good to see voices of sanity among all this hysterical hagiography. Swift is a shrewd businesswoman who makes bland, easy-listening music that isn’t too demanding. That makes her this generation’s Sheena Easton/Barry Manilow/Madonna; but, musically, she’s not fit to tie the shoelaces of e.g., Joni Mitchell, Amy Winehouse, Billie Holiday etc. The fact that she’s being hailed as a “genius” and middle-aged college professors are gushing about her “depth” is beyond ludicrous. As an old 1970s punk, it’s pitifully obvious that too many of today’s sheep-like pop kids are mentally as weak as the adoring stadium-rocker fans of pre-punk mid-1970s. We need another muysical revolution, but I think that the atomisation of the Internet has killed off all possibility of a new youth musical movement emerging.

  • A

    AriannaJun 6, 2024 at 4:11 pm

    She is cringe and overrated

    • R

      RicJun 23, 2024 at 10:45 am

      You mean cringe WORTHY?!?!

      • S

        SWIFTIEJul 1, 2024 at 3:16 pm


      • B

        BuddyJul 23, 2024 at 6:11 am

        Thank you!! Not sure when people dropped worthy, but it needs to stop. It really irks me when people just say “cringe.”

  • V

    ValerieJun 4, 2024 at 10:58 pm

    Everyone has their own opinion. but it isn’t very nice for people to make hating someone their whole personality like if you like trashing people for having a passion that’s crazy. Honestly get a life (respectfully). I find it strange that you are taking all this time and energy on someone you hate. Please keep your hateful opinions to yourself, she has done nothing bad to you. All she has done is become a person that makes music that people like. If you don’t want her just ignore her, there is nothing more to it. As the queen said herself “haters gonna’ hate.”

    • A

      AndrewJun 20, 2024 at 3:30 am

      Everything was sorta okay (criticism and expressing your opinion for a second is not having a hateful personality) until you said “As the queen said herself “haters gonna’ hate.”. Queen? Yeah you’re the one who’s obsessive and probably has a Swiftie personality

    • G

      GeorgeJun 20, 2024 at 3:41 pm

      All the comments points to her music, not her. Conflating the critique of one’s works as hatred toward the human person of the individual is an emotional reaction. It is the same when a student accuses the critics of his/her artworks as bigotry anytime the critiques are negative. Taylor Swift is a marketing genius or whoever in marketing/promotion team must be. But the artistic quality of her music simply does not commensurate with her fame and financial return she has enjoyed — unless marketing skills of the musicians’ enterprise are included as a component of the particular musician’s artistry.

    • R

      ricJun 23, 2024 at 10:52 am

      None of them even remotely projected “hate” towards her hysterical insufferable TS Kool aide drinking fool.

    • K

      KalebJun 23, 2024 at 9:54 pm

      They are just sharing there thoughts and opinions on her, they are not making it their whole personality. And they are not all saying she is an awful person and artist they are just sharing what they think is bad about her. Also this is what Clay is talking about you “Swifties” will defend her an any means possible and shame the person for sharing an opinion.

  • M

    Marty McFlyMay 14, 2024 at 9:25 am

    THANK YOU! I agree with everything you guys said. I used to think Taylor was just some random artist who wrote songs, and I was fine with that, but now it has become too much. She is treated way better than she deserves and I think her fans should just wake up and realize that she is no better than any other pop artists. I personally love classic rock, and she is literally the opposite. Also, she should start wearing real clothes to concerts instead of whatever that is.

    • O

      OwenJun 8, 2024 at 10:43 pm

      Exactly. I agree with everything you said. She is just the same as any other pop artist. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo overrated. I’m glad someone out of my fam agrees with me.

  • S

    Sim Racer for LifeMay 11, 2024 at 6:32 pm

    I agree with everything you said. Taylor Swift’s music for one just sounds like a lot of other people’s. I also can’t stand Taylor Swift fans because they think that they’re above everyone else, and Taylor Swift herself thinks the same, from the way she acts. And her music can be good sometimes I guess, but why does almost all of her songs have to be about break-ups? Maybe Taylor Swift fans are some of the biggest optimists, but for me, who tends to lean toward the pessimist side, if I listen to her music I just wanna give up on life! I don’t see why she has to be practically worshipped is all! Also if ya curious I mostly listen to Owl City. Anyways thank you for this post, I’m glad to see there are some people who don’t love Taylor Swift. 😀

    • A

      AngelinaJun 29, 2024 at 2:23 am

      Not all her songs are about breakups just the popular ones are

  • R

    RichardMay 7, 2024 at 7:40 pm

    I agree with Clay. Swifties think only they are correct and everyone else is wrong. I guess they think Taylor is god or something, and also most swifties can’t accept that they are bad, and they’re super arrogant

  • M

    MckayleeApr 30, 2024 at 8:08 pm

    Taylor Swift songs are basically all the same. There’s just like a very few words in it that are different. like can’t she like think of other songs than the same songs just a little bit different seriously, can’t you think of anything different?

    • K

      KJun 20, 2024 at 10:23 pm

      Have you only listened to Taylor Swift’s mainstream pop?

  • M

    McayleeApr 30, 2024 at 8:03 pm

    I think Taylor Swift is overrated and inappropriate


    • S

      SomeoneMay 5, 2024 at 12:13 pm

      Honestly so true
      She keeps on blabbering about her new boyfriends and how they break up, and the swifties, for some reason, love that shit. The only song i like a little bit is TTPD. At least it’s not about her boyfriend

  • A

    AudreyApr 26, 2024 at 10:51 am

    I like that ya’ll have an option of liking taylor swift but you don’t have to be rude bc me and my bestie, Rylee LOVE TAY TAY and her new album. Keep your rude thoughts to urself.

    • R

      ryleeMay 1, 2024 at 12:26 pm

      Thank you Audrey im Rylee Bear and I love Taylor and you cant take that away from me

      • #

        #notaswiftieMay 2, 2024 at 11:12 am

        LOOK Guys!!! Even MORE dumb swifties! literallly, like all dumb swifties blindly love taylor. i mean, shes not horrrible, but there are waaaay better singers; Ariana Grande, Rihanna, Beyonce, and Katy Perry!

        • A

          AngelinaJun 29, 2024 at 2:25 am

          Absolutely disagree and just Becuz I’m a swiftie that makes me “dumb”?

      • V

        vJul 24, 2024 at 3:08 pm

        yes i know! ppl who hate on taylor don’t know what she’s been through and let swifties be

    • T

      TaylorfanJun 11, 2024 at 10:57 pm

      OK! I totally agree with Audrey! You SLAY queen! I adore Tay Tay!
      Anyway do you guys notice that most of the comments are from BOYS!?!? Like how would you like if almost everyone is like ganging up on your fave singer that tries her best!? Yes there are also other amazing singers out there like Olivia Rodrigo, Avril Lavinge, Zach Bryan, Arianna Grande, Rihanna and more… But you don’t have to be so mean and rude about it!!

      • A

        AngelinaJun 29, 2024 at 2:27 am

        FOR REAL.

  • A

    AudreyApr 26, 2024 at 10:47 am

    I like that you guys have ur opinions but I love Taylor bc of her new album! My Bestie and I are swifties by heart!!!!

    • B

      BellaMay 31, 2024 at 11:32 am

      WOW! Another swiftie coming to bash anyone who has a different opinion! Why would you even look at this if you weren’t coming to do this exact thing the clay stated? Honestly, the swifties are on their own level of toxicity. They give all girls a bad name because when someone thinks of girls now, they think of stereotypes like like princesses, unicorns, and Taylor Swift. This is why I will never like the Swiftie fanbase.

  • L

    LacyApr 25, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    Hey Taylor Count how much rhymed the same TWO words

  • B

    Bella LucasApr 25, 2024 at 2:20 pm

    This article and responses are very enlightening. I am in the over 35 set. I grew up with mix of great and bad music. I was drawn to this article because I feel that most everything the media pushes about Taylor is “just ok” with a very occasional “catchy/good” song. I think that physically, she is very average, nothing really amazing or offensive. For the most part, her songs continue along a generic theme of heartbreak/getting some kind of “even,” etc. It becomes predictable and monotonous. Especially to those of us looking for a broader range of experiences and emotions in our music. Pros: it looks like she puts on an amazing concert experience that proves to be exceedingly fulfilling for her fans. Her ability to include her fans: Easter eggs, dressing like one of her album eras, songs that reflect personal life lessons that her fans have witnessed through the media. For all accounts she handles her celebrity and money well, tips well, maintains a close and steady friend base, is inclusive of new people in her life/orbit, does not seems to exhibit diva behavior. As a woman, daughter, sister, mother, I find her looks to be cookie cutter or average. Is she attractive? In many photos she seems to be of basic looks. Not a “head turner” also not ugly but not much to write home about. This has nothing to do with her body shape, face shape, coloring of hair and skin and more to do with her whole gestalt. I for one, like some of her songs. However, most rehash the same issues of heart break etc. To me, that gets old and becomes boring. Hopefully no one constantly lives in that state of mind. Have some people done her wrong? From what I have read, yes they have, but each of us has been done wrong or been betrayed. It’s the repetition of that theme that confuses me the most. Like “again? Break up, isolation?” How exhausting and too consuming of one’s daily existence.
    She seems to have talent as a song writer and glens much personal satisfaction in that gift. I would love for her to explore other life events as a subject matter.
    Her fans can be very polarizing,,- “do or die” mentality. . Open your mind to different opinions, it’s not personal. I wanted to share my thoughts as a hopefully neutral example of just feeling “eh/blah” about Taylor and the Taylor experience in the media. I believe in uplifting all women. I uplift Taylor as well, I challenge her to stop being stuck in the “young woman finding herself.” Embrace your age, write about something else, because she is moving out of that phase of life, at least I hope she is because that is the natural progression of maturing and letting go of the past, letting go of hurt and moving onward and upward.

  • M

    Matthew CunninghamApr 23, 2024 at 1:43 pm

    I looked at the sun (twice) during the solar eclipse and I didn’t go blind.

    • R

      ryleeApr 26, 2024 at 10:57 am

      why did you look at the sun in the first place anyway that’s really stupid.

  • G

    GaruffApr 23, 2024 at 12:34 pm

    She dresses like a mermaid and writes songs about breaking up with boyfriends over and over again.. and she’s 35? That’s all I need to know.

  • B

    BethApr 22, 2024 at 2:30 pm

    Her popularity sky rocked after Kanye. It’s his fault, let’s blame him.

  • V

    Virginia C PritchettApr 21, 2024 at 12:56 pm

    Sick of this overhyped woman shoved down the publics throats.and her fans who treat her like she is the second coming of the Lord. Who gives a big fat rats butt.

    • P

      Paula J BurenApr 24, 2024 at 12:33 am

      Spot on. Swift is a genius at marketing her brand, and pulling the wool over people’s ears Ha Ha! As an artist- yawn! But as an old Beatles fan, I’m sure I’ll get my comeuppance LOL!

  • P

    PNKFLUFFApr 18, 2024 at 7:04 pm

    I had to Google am I the only one that doesn’t like Taylor Swift this was the first page that came up you college kids that wrote those opinions are really good really well said I’m old, so this is all voice text so dumb but I’m proud of you kids for being smart I’m from the generation X era, our parents and adults never said that about us

  • B

    BondsApr 17, 2024 at 5:09 pm

    I personally think Taylor Swift is pretty overrated and I like other artists much more than her. Her music isn’t very catchy to me and I don’t see that as a bad thing. But now Swifties make their whole personality about liking Taylor swift, and some of them decide that whoever doesn’t like her is a bad person and call them a “hater” which is just plain stupid tbh.

    • Z

      ZarninaApr 18, 2024 at 6:22 pm

      Yes, I 100% agree with you bonds!

  • I

    isaacApr 17, 2024 at 10:12 am

    tell them eli I agree 100%

  • P

    PercypotterApr 10, 2024 at 11:14 am

    Ah I see how it is. I proved you wrong so you didn’t post my comment. Just because it was long and “untrue”. Well nobody will know about this soooo.

  • O

    Owen SmithmierApr 9, 2024 at 10:46 am

    We can all agree that she gets way too much fame than she should. why not another artist?

  • G

    Grace SpringbornApr 4, 2024 at 1:32 pm

    I used to be A Swiffty but Im not enymore and now I love Onerepublic!!! Thank you for making this so I can move on with my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • R

      ryleeApr 8, 2024 at 2:22 pm

      thats still kinda rude to the swifties like me

      • L

        lilyApr 22, 2024 at 7:57 am

        there’s nothing rude about one “ex-swifty” sharing her opinion when there’s about a hundred other swifties to replace one person. remember, these are all opinions, and opinions are subjective, meaning that it is based on a person’s taste in what they like and don’t. for this young woman, she had a “phase” of being a swiftie, and now she’s not. you’re going to be okay. shake off the words if they bother you that much, or just don’t come back to this article. if my words bother you though, please move on with life and ignore me. i don’t necessarily care if you want to read this or not, just saying that it’s okay for people to share their opinions and it might seem rude to some, but not to others. it’s all a state of mind, and based on one’s taste in like and dislike. have a nice day! 🙂

  • D

    DaisyApr 4, 2024 at 5:08 am

    Sorry to say this Swifties and Taylor but she is overrated because not just being rude but she never writes happy songs like enjoyment it’s like also she writes about break ups sad things the only song I like is enchanted bc it’s not sad but yeah that’s my opinion so don’t be rude about it

    • L

      LoriloriMay 2, 2024 at 6:28 pm

      Ok I can see where your coming from, but the thing is she has written some happy songs, like, Daylight, from Lover. But their just not her MOST popular. And honestly I can agree, as a swiftie, some ppl are crazy. But its just someties we think that over all the hate we’ve gotten over the years it just irks, wait are they being rude??? But I think that us swiftie could take it down a notch lol.

  • L

    LaceyApr 3, 2024 at 5:59 pm

    I 100 percent agree with u guys and I think this was Genius and was wondering, I am doing a argumentative essay on “Taylor Swift is overrated” and I was wondering if I could credit you guys and use some of your thoughts? I hope that’s ok because I have to credit and link every source. I won’t use all of your writing, just some quotes? Im just wondering and I won’t use anything until i can get your approval

  • O

    Owen SmithmierApr 3, 2024 at 10:08 am

    Bro is speaking facts

  • V

    VaishnaviApr 2, 2024 at 11:57 am

    Taylor Swift is a great singer – songwriter and a great person. If you are a hater probably don’t know the difference bettween great songs ans songs that are trash so keep on listening to those trash song while we SWIFTIES are going to listen to some real music.

    • R

      ryleeApr 2, 2024 at 12:42 pm

      yes thank you

    • D

      Dan EdmondsApr 2, 2024 at 1:28 pm

      If you’re referring to anybody aside from Michael Jackson you lied.

    • M

      MiaApr 9, 2024 at 6:29 pm

      Not to be rude, like you were very blatant about, but different people have different tastes(better tastes). Most would agree that her songs are mainly comprised of breakup and heartthrob, which makes most songs very similar— resulting in normal people(not weird stans) moving on. Of course sometimes people listen to them, but not on the extensive level you swifties do, which, frankly, is a little insane.

    • W

      wyattApr 18, 2024 at 5:06 pm

      swiftys are trash they scream and yell when someone says taylor swift isnt good shes not she just brags about all the famous people se has dated and then broke up with for more money with her songs her new boyfriend is trash kelce is so stupid he yells at his coach and acts like he did nothing wrong

    • L

      LexMay 21, 2024 at 11:06 pm

      We are allowed to like other artist besides Taylor Swift and listening to other music thus including artist like Mozart, YoYo-ma ect doesn’t make it trash. You swift fans are all the same. If we don’t like her or have a different view of her we are either haters or poor taste in music.. it’s ridiculous how you kids and teens act.. even worse if you’re an adult

    • K

      KJun 20, 2024 at 10:36 pm

      Why are all of the Taylor Swift haters set on believing that all Taylor fans are the same? There’s this woman who did a TedTalk on “single stories” and how media portrays a certain group in the same way so much that so many people start to believe their over exaggerated stories that may be false. This reflects on the current situation with Taylor Swift fans being shown as crazy and unhinged, all willing to die for her and do anything to gain her praise. Yes, there are some Swifties that go to such extents, but a majority of us just want to defend one of our favorite songwriters. Another common perception that a lot of people seem to have is that her music is all the same. Her albums span over a number of genres, but only the mainstream pop music is frequently played, and those are the popular love songs. If you’re going to be a hater, please be informed about who you’re hating first.

  • L

    Lucy CarrApr 1, 2024 at 11:03 am

    I have to be honest, she really is overrated. There are countless people that do the same thing as her, yet she still is on top? Doesn’t make any sense at all. And, you’re right, almost all of her songs about loving someone and then breaking up, blaming them for every bad thing she’s endured. Honestly, I do like some of her songs, but why can’t she right a song about something happy that’s not about love or breaking up!!!

  • A

    AudreyMar 28, 2024 at 10:24 am

    I think Taylor Swift is overrated but if someone likes her they shouldn’t give up a part of them to be like everyone else. Don’t give up what’s special to you

  • Z

    ZoeyMar 27, 2024 at 11:25 am

    She is sooooooooooooooooòoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo overrated and overplayed

    • K

      KiyanApr 3, 2024 at 2:37 pm


  • R

    ryleeMar 26, 2024 at 12:00 pm

    I was a swiftie but im not anymore bc of you guys

    • L

      LillyMar 28, 2024 at 10:23 am

      If you like her you shouldn’t let other people tell you what you like and don’t like. If you are a Swiftie… Be a swiftie

  • A

    AudreyMar 26, 2024 at 11:56 am

    I love my bestie though I LOVE her being a Swiftie and talking about TAY TAY makes her happy so I’m happy too!

  • A

    AudreyMar 26, 2024 at 11:51 am

    yess SO OVERRATED my bestie is a A swiftie that’s all she EVER talks about!

  • S

    SomeoneMar 24, 2024 at 12:24 am

    Sorry yall I just don’t get it… if you are allegedly a “Taylor Swift Hater” than obviously you’ve only heard like 3 of her songs (the most popular ones) so how do you know that “ all she writes about are her exes” all her songs sound the same” or “ her music is trash”?

    • S

      StacyApr 3, 2024 at 5:55 pm

      thats not true i know a LOT of her songs and I dont like her at all

    • P

      PercypotterApr 3, 2024 at 9:04 pm

      I am a SWIFTIE however I don’t really care when people don’t like Taylor Swift because everyone has their own opinions. However, I do get a bit mad when people say she only writes songs about her boyfriends. This is just not true. Even if you’ve only ever heard her popular music I can guarantee that you’ve heard Shake It Off which is about letting go of negativity NOT about breaking up with her boyfriends. Also, other artist also write most of their songs about there girlfriends/boyfriends and I don’t hear any hate on them. So I don’t understand why there is so much hate on Taylor Swift. Also about the rerelease of her albums, let me ask you this. If you were to write an album just for it to be sold to someone and now you don’t make any money off of it, would you be mad? You probably would. So that’s why Taylor Swift is rereleasing her albums, so she can actually get the credit and money she deserves. I do agree as a certified SWIFTIE that some of her songs, like karma, are overrated. But you clearly haven’t listened to since of her masterpieces like Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve or ATW(10MV)(TV)(FTV). I do realize that both of those are about boyfriends but what did that have to do about anything. Now about the prices of concert tickets. I would personally never spend $10000 on concert tickets myself and I know that other people would and if they are rich and can afford it then it’s their choice. However, if they have to scrape by just do that they can buy it, then I don’t think that that is a good choice for them. I would also like to clarify, Taylor Swift isn’t charging $10000 for tickets. In fact, you can buy tickets for just $50USD. Back to the songs about boyfriends topic. You said you haven’t seen any new music from Taylor Swift that is not about boyfriends. While I will give you a list:
      Your on your own kid (Midnights)
      Bejeweled (midnights)
      More(can’t think off the top of my head I’m tired, cut me some slack)
      Most of evermore
      Most of folklore
      Those are her latest three studio albums. You may look at this and be like, “Oh just another Taylor obsessed toxic SWIFTIE who only caters about goddess Taylor Swift,” but that would be incorrect. Although I made a large paragraph right now it is because you wrote a lot of incorrect facts and I feel like people should know the truth.

      • M

        MiaApr 9, 2024 at 6:32 pm

        ‘I don’t care about your opinions’ as you continue to write a whole essay on why everyone is wrong if they don’t like Taylor.

      • L

        LaceyApr 10, 2024 at 2:15 pm

        bro wrote a whole book on taylor swift lol

  • S

    SallyMar 22, 2024 at 9:05 am

    She is very overrated1

  • A

    AdrockMar 20, 2024 at 11:19 pm

    As someone who is 52 and grew up with vastly superior music than the very low bar for new music now, it was very refreshing to read the younger generations feedback on Swift and her very little to no critical talent. I had given up thinking that the new generation has no benchmark for proper music because it was before they were born, glad I am wrong on that one. Swifties have never really heard real music before so they have no clue to just how bad her tripe is.

    I think Swift is a zero talent with no ability to write an actual hook musically and listening to a middle aged woman complain about her exes is just now cringeful. She plays the same basic 4 chord progression on almost every song and it’s just musically wallpaper. There is background with nothing that makes it stand out. Swift and Swifties need to just call it a day.

  • W

    WilliamMar 19, 2024 at 7:22 am

    Eminem 2pac 50 cent and DMX is way better

    • J

      JamesApr 23, 2024 at 3:50 am

      yeah boi

  • W

    WilliamMar 19, 2024 at 7:20 am

    She is definitely overrated

  • T

    ThomasMar 16, 2024 at 6:00 pm

    Taylor Swift is too overrated and she makes too much money because cardiologist when they save lives they don’t even make $1000. And Taylor Swift makes hundreds of millions of dollars per concert. It’s too unfair.

    • K

      KJun 20, 2024 at 10:42 pm

      You could say that about almost any popular artist. Why Taylor Swift?

  • B

    Beau BuddeMar 4, 2024 at 4:23 pm

    I’m a chiefs fan but I hate Taylor every 5 seconds there she is

    • A

      AdamApr 20, 2024 at 10:14 pm

      Yeah, I totally agree.

    • V

      ValerieJun 4, 2024 at 10:47 pm

      Gosh, like she is literally there because of her boyfriend. Honestly, is she not allowed to support someone she loves without any hate? I find it kind that she is supporting her boyfriend.

  • J

    JonathanFeb 25, 2024 at 1:48 am

    She’s totally overrated and her songs are all cookie cutter. Her voice is average at best and to be honest I’ve heard way better singers in local clubs and even at some kereoke clubs. She’s a spoiled rich kid with marginal talent and she is way over exposed. She ruined the superbowl for me. She will break up with her current boyfriend and of course write songs about it. As she gets older though this live affair with her will be over cause you can’t be writing songs about breaking up with boyfriends at 50.I pray the cheifs aren’t in the superbowl next year so we can stop seeing her during football games.

    • S

      SophiaMar 4, 2024 at 1:00 am

      For real

    • A

      AdamApr 20, 2024 at 10:15 pm

      Me personally I am a Chiefs fan, but I totally agree with you. She ruined the Super Bowl for many people including me and you.

    • K

      KJun 20, 2024 at 10:46 pm

      A whole 55 seconds of seeing Taylor Swift on the screen absolutely obliterated your Super Bowl experience?

    • K

      KJun 20, 2024 at 10:46 pm

      A whole 55 seconds of seeing Taylor Swift on the screen absolutely obliterated your Super Bowl experience?

  • B

    Beal CallieFeb 24, 2024 at 7:42 pm

    I agree she may not be a bad person but Swifties are to judgemental and will risk there life for her if that’s what it takes. Also he’s right it’s not heathy to pay 10 000 for a ticket. Don’t get me wrong I like a little Taylor Swift here or there but I’m not going out of my way to warship her she’s overrated sorry swiftys don’t hate on me I’m just saying my opinions not saying you have to agree with me that’s just my opinions.

    • J

      JacobMar 12, 2024 at 2:42 pm

      I totally agree with you. TS is the most overrated songwriter/singer/ artist of our generation. The mere fact that people were sleeping out in tents to obtain Eras Tour tickets is absolutely insane in my mind. TS needs to be held accountable for all the issues she causes society. Swifties are promoting a very bad culture. Not only do I not worship TS, but I avoid her anyway I can. Her music sucks (it is filled with bad ideas) and she and her fanbase are a bunch of arrogant people who treat her like a god. She’s just a normal person just like everyone else.

  • R

    ReinFeb 6, 2024 at 5:45 am

    I don’t get the hype on Taylor and her music. Probably people especially the young ones are just being emotionally weak and can relate to her silly songs

  • T

    TennysonJan 22, 2024 at 2:10 pm

    “ She seems like she’s a genuinely good person but good people don’t always make good music”

    Phenomenal quote Owen
