GRC’s FFA masters the holiday tradition of ‘giving back’

Every year, GRC’s FFA goes above and beyond to make sure our students and community have a good holiday season.

Generously, they organize food baskets, clothing drives,  and other events all while incorporating the holidays into all of it.

Thanksgiving is notorious for being a time to gather over food with family and friends. Everyone has their own set of thanksgiving traditions, but the FFA’s traditions are a little different from most of ours.

The FFA spends their Thanksgiving season working hard to organize food baskets to distribute in our community.

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Every year, the FFA gathers enough food for each basket which includes two cans of corn , two cans of green beans, a five-pound bag of potatoes, one can of cranberries or one pack of gravy, and one box of mac n’ cheese or a can of yams.

“After we get all the items that students have donated, we as the FFA get together, normally the day before we deliver them, and put everything together,” said FFA member Casandra Flannery. “We put all the items in reusable bags, then we deliver them to the families. It’s my favorite thing the FFA does all year because I know we’re helping the community.”

This tradition is a tremendous help to families who can’t afford a Thanksgiving and has given families all over the community the chance to gather over a good meal. 

“The FFA makes sure everyone who is unable to get holiday foods, are able to have access to them and are able to eat,” said FFA member Alissa Pasley.

GRC’s FFA doesn’t just stop at hosting canned-food drives to make the holidays enjoyable for everyone, but they also do a yearly clothing drive. During this time of year it’s important that we all have access to warm clothes. Luckily, the FFA makes this possible.

“We do a clothing drive which is where we take an empty box to multiple places throughout the town and ask for donations of winter clothes for families who can’t afford them or have no way to get them,” said Flannery. “We pick them up and donate them to the Beacon of Hope.” 

Without the FFA’s efforts to give to those in the community, the holidays might not be as enjoyable for some. Knowing that there’s always help offered is a comforting feeling, especially for those who may struggle to have their idea of a perfect holiday season.  

Thanksgiving baskets, clothing drives, and other charity events remind us that the holiday season really is about giving back to the community and helping others.

GRC’s FFA does an outstanding job of keeping the holiday tradition of “giving back” alive.

“It feels great knowing that we’re helping the community,” said Flannery. “This could be life-changing for people.”