Dribbling in the Paint: Harrison Excels in Art, Basketball


Normally people juggle balls or pins, throwing them in the air then catching them when they return, attempting to keep themselves balanced. Juggling basketballs and paint brushes at once is what it looks like for Hayley Harrison.

Most people recognize Harrison as one of the top girls’ basketball players in the state, but what many don’t realize is that she’s one of the top artists in the school as well.

For Harrison, being an artist isn’t just a hobby but an escape from everything else going on. She loves basketball, but each time Harrison sits down and picks up a pencil, there is a sense of freedom from being detached from the world.

“It’s very relaxing, and I feel like I can just disappear and think, just be in the zone,” says Harrison. “It’s a place where nothing else influences me.”

When presented with the assignment of a sculpture in art class, Harrison decided to sculpt a monster reflective of the one from Venom. She was apprehensive of starting it at first, unsure of how the final product would look.

“When I first started, I was like this is going to look terrible; I don’t like it.” says Harrison. “I’ve thought about starting over, but it has turned out really well.”

On the court the pressure is on, all eyes are on her, no time to stop and breathe. Art allows Harrison to refocus and get away from all the stress of everyday activities.

Being so involved in the varsity girls’ basketball team takes up a lot of Harrison’s time. Having practices and games most nights of the week, her schedule is booked, leaving little room for art. The depth of her passion for both basketball and art will rise above.

“When we have projects that require me to take it home, it’s difficult,” says Harrison “But I always find the time.”

Hayley Harrison’s ability to juggle both of her passions—art and basketball—is almost as exceptional as her performance on the court and in the art room.