Driver’s Ed Course Would Benefit Students

16 years old: the age that every kid can’t wait to be.

One of the biggest milestones when turning 16 years old is finally being taught how to drive, and while some parents have plenty of time and patience to teach their children, not all students are so lucky due to their parents working long shifts or other various reasons.

Driver’s education courses would highly benefit all students who participate. These courses would properly teach students in high school how to drive on the roads and be cautious while doing so. “Absolutely,” Eric Osborn, Testing Coordinator stated, “I think that it is a needed thing.”

Many beginner drivers struggle to learn some of the less obvious rules of the road. A driver’s education course doesn’t only have to be dedicated to the physical actions of driving, but can also have a prepared class where students learn and take notes on how to drive that would be sure to improve their knowledge for the permit test.

Though it may seem difficult and challenging to provide a driver’s education course. The solution would be quite simple.

It is not necessary that students drive along the major roads when learning how to drive during these courses. There is a sufficient amount of space on school property that could be easily accessible to students throughout the day. This would provide the students a place to easily maneuver their cars without the anxiety of driving on the road before they are comfortable, and possibly causing damage.

Many schools have gotten rid of a driver’s education course due to budget cuts and possible liability issues. While it’s understandable that schools don’t have unlimited money to be spent, this course would be very beneficial in the long run and definitely worth the extra time, money and effort.

There should be one set course in an empty space on school property that is specifically designed for the tasks that students need to learn, such as parallel parking, three-point turns, and just simply how to have control over a car.

While there are plenty of driving schools to teach students, it is not near as convenient as making it required curriculum. Not to mention, driving schools are often expensive and don’t give all students an equal opportunity to learn.

A driver’s education course should be a requirement for graduation due to it being a relevant life skill. Considering schools are required to mandate a life skills course, a hands-on driver’s education course would provide students with a skill that would be used every day in their future lives.