Eggfest: Making hearts eggstatic

Graphic by Zach Ross

EggFest begins tomorrow

A bunny peaks around the corner to plant eggs in a vacant field. Suddenly, hoards of curious children appear on the horizon, a crowd of egg hunters ready to collect as many pastel shells as possible.

GRC’s halls are once again turning into an egg-filled hunting ground, with brightly decorated paper eggs adorning the walls.

Student Council presents Eggfest, an all-inclusive scavenger hunt that encourages students to look for hidden treasures. 

With the cumulative excitement that came from Elf on the Shelf, Student Council’s climate committee has taken up the opportunity to create an eggciting scavenger hunt. 

The rules are the same as Elf on the Shelf; look for the paper eggs decorated by teachers around the school, turn them into Ms. Jones in room 508, and hope that you are one of the five lucky winners! 

Last year was the first year of Eggfest, and it was welcomed with open arms. Students and staff alike have fallen in love with this scavenger hunt, using all their free time to either hide or hunt the eggs.

“Eggfest gies students something to look forward to during this long stretch of school before spring break,” says Student Council Vice President Carrie Stevens.

From March 8-29, students will have a fun scavenger hunt to find eggs hidden around the school to intrigue them amidst the busy schedule of their course loads. The winners will then be announced on March 31.

But the eggs aren’t the best thing about Eggfest… the jingle is. Members of the Climate Committee took it upon themselves to create a song that goes hand in hand with this egg hunt.

The jingle goes like this: ‘Sunny side up! Eggfest! Eggfest! Sunny Side up! Eggfest! Eggfest!’ A video of the jingle will be uploaded to the Student Council Instagram page, so make sure to check that out.

This year, the teachers are turning into the Easter Bunny, so be on the lookout for those eggs.