Student Y survives

Mr. Barnett and Mrs. Greenwell take over this epic GRC club


Photo submitted

GRC’s March 2022 KUNA delegation celebrates a successful conference. Students will be able to attend once again as the Y Club has been resurrected.

The threat of Student Y being discontinued has been extinguished. 

At the beginning of this year, Student Y (also often called Y Club) had no teacher sponsor and risked not being able to go to any competitions this year without one. However, students in the club can now feel relief, as Mr. Barnett and Mrs. Greenwell stepped up and assumed the position.

“In general, I just saw the need for it because I had been a chaperone in the past and I saw how amazing this event was, and I was a little hesitant at first since I have other things going on, but I didn’t want this program to die out,” says Mr. Barnett. “Eventually I just decided to take it on with the assistance of others, and that’s where I turned to Mrs. Greenwell.”

While Student Y might be new to them as sponsors, they’re ready to give their all to the organization, even with the challenges of starting late. 

“After Mr. Barnett approached me about taking this on together, it’s definitely still an intimidating undertaking, especially part way through the school year since we’ve essentially had a week in a half to put together a massive program for KYA,” shares Mrs. Greenwell.  ”We basically spent our Fall Break with the help of the wonderful Mr. Keene who has been the real MVP on this — helping us fill out paperwork, getting forms approved, and getting on the board agenda.”

KYA is Student Y’s first competition, and even though they have had less time to prepare than usual, students are excited to get back to the club they adore. 

“Y Club has been such a big part of my life for 7 years now and KYA specifically has been my favorite,” shares the president of Student Y, Marisol Lopez. “It allows students to go to conferences and debate about real-life Kentucky issues that we are actually passionate about. It surrounds you with kids that are truly the future of Kentucky. These kids will be the change, and so will we!”

Y Club has been a long-running tradition of GRC, and they have received several rewards yearly at various competitions. With all their success, it’s only right that the respected club is back. 

Administration took a step in making this possible, by listening to the voices of concerned students. 

Mr. Hammonds was an avid supporter of the return of Student Y.  “I did Y Club and KUNA when I was teaching and think it is a great opportunity for our students to continue such a tradition of learning about our legislative process and meeting students from around the state,” he explains. “I certainly appreciate Mr. Barnett and Mrs. Greenwell for taking on this need to continue the Y Club success we have had in our school.”

With such a combined effort of teachers and administrators stepping up and organizing the return of Y Club, students can’t share enough of their gratitude. 

“I found my voice through the KYYMCA programs, and thanks to everyone, we were able to continue this tradition for future GRC students.” Marisol says.

Mrs. Greenwell recognizes that much of the reason Student Y is back is thanks to the unity of different voices, saying, “It’s been a school effort to say we’re gonna step up and fill that role of Ms. Crowell, and it’s taken all of us to come together to make that happen.” 

2021 KYA delegation. Mr. Barnett and Mrs. Greenwell stepped up and assumed the position of Y Club sponsors. (Photo submitted)