Senior Natalie Shoemaker makes a difference with involvement, positivity
Natalie Shoemaker
At GRC there are a plethora of things to get involved in such as a sports team, theatre, choir, and lots of clubs.
For Natalie Shoemaker, getting involved is one of the best parts of the high school experience.
Natalie is a senior at George Rogers Clark, and she finds herself always trying to fill her schedule. At school alone, she is involved in Drama Cohort, Beta Club, Y-Club, and Pep Club. She is also the president of Cardinal Singers Advanced Choir, president of the International Thespian Society, vice president of the National Honor Society, and is the Senior Class treasurer.
Getting involved has helped Natalie become more outgoing, and she says it has helped her make many relationships. “Don’t be afraid of what your friends think,” she says. “Be involved as much as you can. That’s the best way to make your high school experience amazing.”
Natalie says her personal favorite extracurricular is Drama Cohort, an “in-depth class about theatre and musical theatre as a whole.” Natalie says they learn things such as how to write plays, how to direct, technical theatre tips, and onstage theatre tips.
“I feel like theatre has helped me come out of my shell and build genuine connections,” says Natalie. “It really did help me find myself; I’m supposed to be who I want to be.”

At the beginning of this school year, Natalie participated in the Distinguished Young Woman program. All of the participants were asked who they thought they were supposed to be. Her response was well thought out, and came from the heart. It earned her a self expression award.
“I’m supposed to be a role model for little girls who grew up feeling bad about the way they look – girls who grew up not looking like everyone else and being put down because of it,” she says. “I break barriers when it comes to that. I think overall it’s about being a great person with confidence.”
Natalie is a role model not only for those girls, but everyone. As for her role model, the answer was easy: Her mother, Amy Shoemaker.
“My mom is my biggest role model because she is the strongest person I have ever known,” says Natalie. “The strength she has having to raise a kid all alone is something so incredible. She is my biggest supporter and the most giving person I know.”
Natalie and Amy are both very active members in their church. They both find it important to keep their faith through anything. “I also admire my mom’s faith so much,” Natalie adds. “She is constantly teaching me to be outgoing, caring, and giving because she wants me to make sure everyone feels like they belong in this world.”
Natalie may have a full schedule, but she always has time for making new friends. So next time you see her in the hallways, go talk to her! She will make sure to make you feel warm and welcome.

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