The Beat Buzz
A collection of MUSIC REVIEWS by Lily Fogle

From the Reviewer:
Listening to music has become more than a pastime for me. I indulge myself in the lyrics, instruments, and feelings behind the music. Listening to new music makes me wonder about all the music I haven’t listened to yet, or has yet to be released. With these reviews, I’m challenging myself to think about the music and what it means. I’m most definitely not a professional at rating music, but I enjoy getting out my thoughts and opinions about music. Hopefully you can find music you already love, and new music you can’t wait to listen to.
Lover by Taylor Swift
In the spirit of Valentine’s day, I decided to pick an album that really represents love to me. Lover by Taylor Swift represents all kinds of love you can hand, whether it be loving yourself or someone else. The third track on the album, Lover was a highly praised single released in August 2019. This song was also one of three songs that Taylor wrote by herself while creating Lover. This song is about being in an intimate relationship with someone you really love. Such an amazing song to slow dance to.
The next song is a little more upbeat, track six, I Think He Knows. This song is about having a crush on someone, and finally realizing that they like you back. It’s such a good song to scream in the car, I can’t help but turn the volume up every time it comes on. The bridge in the song is really what makes it though.
The last song I want to talk about is track number eight, Paper Rings. Paper Rings is an even more upbeat song than the last. This song is such a fun listen and I really recommend it, if you like bubblegum pop. It’s about wanting to be with someone so much that you would marry them with just a paper ring.
These songs are just a taste of the other 15 tracks on lover. Overall, I’d have to give this album either a six or seven out of ten. I would recommend this album to someone who already likes Taylor. Honestly, she has made better albums but some of the songs are just too good to not play, and you know when February hits these songs will be on rotation.
Paradise by Lana Del Rey:
Paradise was Lana’s third EP that she released alongside the reissue of her first album Born To Die. The EP was originally supposed to be released alone, but Lana ultimately decided to release Born To Die: The Paradise Edition.
The instruments have such a big role in this album, giving every song a different feel. The lead single Ride was a perfect introduction into this EP. The song starts out slow, but has a great climax into the chorus. Lyrically, she starts to reflect on how her lack of stability is really starting to take a toll on her life.
Another single, Gods and Monsters, seems to shed a light on being in the limelight. The word God in the title references celebrities and how everyone bows down to them no matter what they do. Monsters refers to all of the bad things that come with being famous.
This EP seems to take a deep dive into Lana’s experiences. The way she writes and performs these songs, makes you feel like you’re there with her.
This album would have to be a 5/5 for me. These nine songs were enough to push me to finally listen to all of her albums in full. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this beautiful EP.
The Time of Our Lives by Miley Cyrus
The Time of Our Lives was Miley Cyrus’ first EP, and was released back in August of 2009. I remember getting this cd on my 6th birthday, and falling in love with it immediately. This project spawned the hit, Party in the USA, which got up to number two on the Billboard Hot 100.
The EP starts out strong with Kicking and Screaming. It’s about an ex-boyfriend who will always want you, but he can never get you back. It’s more of a pop rock song, compared to the rest of the songs on the EP.
The title track, The Time of Our Lives, is my personal favorite track. It’s a pure pop song about living in the moment and learning not to worry too much about the future.
Overall this EP is great. I do wish that this was made into a full album though. The lack of songs makes me wonder what this could have been if it were a completed album. I would give this a 7/10 solely because of the sad songs that could have been replaced easily. I really enjoy listening to this album, and find myself still playing that CD I got way back when.
Stranger in the Alps by Phoebe Bridgers
Stranger in the Alps is Phoebe Bridgers’ first studio album. Before she released this album, Bridgers released singles and eps to help create a hype around her. The album only reached #38 on the Billboard Independent Album Chart.
Despite not charting very much, the album spawned one hit, Motion Sickness. This song is about an abusive relationship she used to be in. The production of this song is what makes it so great. Its not your usual sad song that has a slow beat and a piano playing. This is probably the most upbeat song on the album. When this song comes on, all the windows come down.
The next track I would like to highlight, Would You Rather, is my favorite song on the album. When I first listened to the album, I was so blown away by this song I went back and listened to it over and over again. Would You Rather is a duet with Conor Oberst, who is the lead vocalist for the band Bright Eyes. The song was inspired by her brother and everything he has been through behind closed doors. I don’t think I would label this song as sad, although it could easily be listened to in a sad way. I think this song is a tragically beautiful way to reflect on the hardships Phoebe and her brother went through in their childhood years.
The last song I would like to talk about is one of my personal favorites, Funeral. This song is about knowing someone who should have been too young to die, and struggling with the aftermath of that. If you’re looking for a good cry, I would recommend listening to that song immediately.
Overall, Stranger in the Alps is a very strong first album. This album is very mellow compared to everything else I have reviewed.
This album would have to be a 8/10 for me. I absolutely love this album and Im so happy I listened to it. This album gained Phoebe another fan.

Lily is most afraid of zombies. She thinks Goldfish are better than Whales because they have the milk carton box. If she were a type of shoe, she would be Doc Martens. If she were stuck at one age forever,...