Embrace all the fun perks of fall

It’s early morning. The weather is beginning to change. You begin your day, leaving your cozy home as the crisp fall air hits your skin. Colorful leaves crunch beneath your feet. It is finally the best season.
The fall season brings so many things to look forward to. When fall finally rolls around, it is the start to all the big holidays, like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. People begin to fill up with excitement as the kickoff to some of their personal favorite holidays begin.
Next, there are so many different fall activities you can participate in. Going to the pumpkin patch, going to a haunted house, watching scary movies, getting on hay rides and walking through a corn maze are all just a few of the fun fall activities.
Fall weather is perfect. It is not miserably hot out, while also not freezing cold. The slightly chilly air and slight breeze makes it the perfect weather for wearing sweaters and flannels. Fall weather provides you with a feeling of coziness and comfort.
When fall begins, the outside scenery becomes filled with colors of red, orange, and yellow. When the leaves begin to change color, it becomes a beautiful view.
Fall brings out some of the best treats and foods. Caramel apples, pies, soups, and pumpkin spiced anything are all some of the favorites. With Thanksgiving coming around the corner, all these favorites will be brought out for the season.
Fall football begins. Bringing friends and families together, tailgating and watching football games are some of the most classic fall activities. The cool fall nights create the perfect environment for football activities.
Personally, I enjoy this time of year when the holidays begin because my birthday is shortly after Christmas. I love the perfect weather and all the activities. Last year, I took a trip to Tennessee during Fall and it was amazing.
The leaves on the trees were bold shades of red, orange, and yellow, and the chilly weather made it the perfect occasion to bring out my flannels and sweaters. The place where we stayed had a hot tub, and it was the perfect time and place to enjoy it.
Fall is the best season. Embrace all the fun perks of fall. Go outside and enjoy the slightly chilly air and the beautiful scenery. Any fall activity can be done with family and friends, so take them along. The best season is finally here.

Sofia is most afraid of not succeeding in life. She thinks Whales are better than Goldfish because Goldfish are overrated. If she were a type of shoe, she would be Vans, because she owns a lot of Vans...