Bass fishing team looks to build on past success
“Huntin’, Fishin’, and Lovin’ every day.”
These are the iconic lyrics of Luke Bryan’s hit song. It also tends to be the motto for those who are members of GRC’s Bass Fishing team.
Last year was a very successful year for the team. Allen and Robert Powe both qualified for nationals.
This year, the team is striving to have a season just as great as last year’s, if not better. A lot of the members this year are seniors, including Noah Lake and Robert Powe, and they are working hard to make their last, one of their best.
“We did such a great job last year, that I hope we can do it again,” Robert Powe said.
Many members of the team have mentioned how being a part of this team has changed their life. Bass fishing has done more than gave the members an excuse to fish all the time; it has taught them lessons in life they will never forget.
“Being on the Bass Fishing team has taught me to be patient in life because eventually it will be worth it when you ‘reel’ in something good,” senior Keely Keene said.
For some, this is their first year on the team, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have experience. “This is my first year on the team, but I’ve been fishing since I was little and I’m excited to work as a team now,” junior Dylan Shifflet said.
With tournament season coming soon, those who are on the team are geared up and ready to reel them in. Their poles are ready and the bait is fresh, GRC’s Bass Fishing team is ready to go all the way to nationals this year.
“This season is going be great,” said senior Noah Lake. “We’ve been working hard and we know it’s going to pay off in the end.”

Katlyn Hall is a Senior and second-year Smoke Signals member. She loves elephants, her favorite movie is The Legend of Billie Jean, and she is the secretary of Clark County FFA.