Volleyball Season Underway, High Hopes for Rest of Season
It’s that time of year again. Volleyball season is back!
The 2018 volleyball season began with tryouts in July and is now in full swing with games every week.
The team captains for
this season are junior, Sara Johnson, and senior, Emma McQuade.
This year’s volleyball team only has two seniors but has numerous juniors and
The team won the District Championship last year after coming out on top in a very long and competitive game against Montgomery County. The girls want to continue that winning streak this year.
“We want to be back-to-back District Champs,” said Johnson. “We want to go to state.”
District tournament is important, but tournaments, games, and practices are only part of the experience of a teammate.
“We are all best friends,” said McQuade. “We are all family.”
Most of the teammates spend time together outside of games and practices, whether it’s going out to eat or hanging out at each others’ houses.
Because of the relationships they have developed off the court, they are able to work better together on the court too.
As team captains, Johnson and McQuade also help the team communicate with each other and play as a team.
“I care for my team and get them prepared for games,” said McQuade. “I
encourage them and keep them pumped and hype.”
Johnson describes her
position on the team as “being a leader and picking people up if they are having
a bad game.”
Without the atmosphere
of family and encouraging leaders, the volleyball team would be completely
GRC plays the first game of the 40th District
tournament on Oct. 9 at Montgomery County.
The opponent had not been announced at press time.

Hayden is a Senior at GRC. She enjoys tennis, sewing like a grandma, and anything artsy. Her favorite color is green, and her favorite food is chocolate chip pancakes.