A literary door to the past, a look into centuries of problems, trials, and solutions. We have been given the opportunity to learn from books filled with advice, lessons, and morals all worked into stories that have stood the test of time.
Unfortunately we take these books for granted, year after year we read less in school.
English class is the perfect opportunity to introduce classic literature to students, but the chance for reading is severely lacking for students as reading the classics is often not required.
Classical books have been required to be read in school for decades. Many generations have been able experienced the same stories, but in recent years there seems to be a decline in the amount of mandatory reading in schools.
Students are not motivated to read these books on their own. What teenager is going to read To Kill a Mockingbird if they can just find a quicker source of entertainment somewhere else.
That is why mandatory reading is so important; it provides a resource and time to read these famous works of literature.
By requiring reading in class, students will be more encouraged to pursue the knowledge offered by the classics like Pride and Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, and Little Women.
Students will also be more inspired to read outside of school after creating a habit of reading in class.
Vocabulary and writing skills are greatly influenced by reading. English and vocabulary scores have been on the steady decline in the US, we should be putting in the utmost effort to improve upon these scores and provide a proficient education to our youth.
The resources for this improvement are here in the form of literary works. They have been around for years, so why aren’t we using them?
Reading is also a great way to improve ones writing, an important skill used in all areas of life. Being able to understand and evaluate some of the most renowned books in history really helps to improve student’s knowledge of how to effectively write.
Many of the classical books allude to important historical events in the past, help form a better grasp on the situation, and allow for a closer, more personal understanding. For example, the book 1984 has many references to World Wars 1 & 2.
Being able to look into different perspectives from various cultures, social situations, and time period is beyond important to develop a well-rounded mindset.
In a high school education, developing that mindset is obtainable with classic literature as it provides a variety of narratives that are both relatable and insightful.
To open the door to the past, and be able to learn from it we must take advantage of the literature provided to us. Our education is dependent on the multitude of assets it provides, and there is no better place to introduce classical literature than in a school setting.
It is vital that we use these gifts from the past to better our future.