End Halloween and its movies immediately
October 28, 2021

Halloween is the worst holiday and needs to be taken away. It is a day meant for scares, sugar rushes, and foreseen dentist appointments. The only thing worse than Halloween? Halloween movies.
The pointless scare fests are a waste of time and recycled story plots. The basic Halloween movies such as “The Addams Family”, “Hocus Pocus” and “Halloween Town” are all dull and unamusing to watch. Movies like these don’t compare at all to any of the greats.
They have no importance or real story that makes a person want to watch it over and over. All the stories are the same: a scary family with a secret who just want to have a fun time.
There is no real passion or motive shown in any of these movies. I wouldn’t even call these movies. I’d call them children’s films, made purely for kicks and giggles.
The films don’t represent the holiday as it is portrayed. When I think of a Halloween movie I’d think of horror, not a film that only focuses on a family of witches and trick or treating.
If it isn’t obvious at this point I don’t like Halloween and I wholeheartedly believe it was the worst holliday made in all of history.
The only thing good about October 31st is the opportunity to dress up as someone or something completely different, a chance to get away from reality.
Some would argue that Halloween movies are funny and interesting, however Halloween movies add no contribution to the movie industry and the world of film.
If I had any chance in changing history it would be to take away the holiday where kids get sick and anxious parents worry about their kids roaming around late at night banging on doors.
This event makes no sense, why would it be such a big celebration? Not only is halloween a creepy man’s playground but also a senseless celebration of nonsense. If the holiday is that bad on its own, tell me why we need movies representing that as well.