Start fall off the right way — why Gilmore Girls is the ultimate autumn series
The sticky, sweaty, miserably humid days of summer are finally coming to an end, as the long awaited autumn breeze sets in and the leaves on the trees begin to transform from green to orange.
You can’t wait to go to your favorite pumpkin patch with your best friends and drink apple cider and eat pumpkin spice donuts. Pumpkin carving, fall scented candles, planning out your Halloween costume. You can’t control the excitement that rushes through your body.
All these beloved traditions, the very essence of autumn. And what pairs perfectly with a cozy sweater, a pumpkin spice latte, and a fall-scented candle? A nice, long binge-watching session of Gilmore Girls.
This dramedy series follows a single mother, Lorelai, and her daughter, Rory; the two have a very close relationship- a friendship even.
Together, and along with their closely knit townmates of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, they face life’s toughest hardships.
The charming, small town of Stars Hollow gives watchers the perfect autumn vibe. Beautiful fall foliage and aesthetically pleasing decor surround the town square.
The flawless outfits of Lorelai Gilmore completely encapsulate the epitome of fall fashion.
The ever so popular coffee craze of this chilly season lacks no representation, and the delicious food strikes up an insatiable appetite for those of all different tastes.
Not only does Gilmore Girls prove unrivaled for its autumn ambience, but it also aids the anticipation for the upcoming holiday season.
All things autumn, everything you could ever want and need, are wrapped up into 7 seasons of inexpressible joy.
Kickstart this beautiful autumn season with your new favorite fall series.

Reagan likes Puerta Grande, because they have better salsa. She would live in “Tangled”, because she loves the adventure and love story. Her life in a song is “Dancing Queen”, because she loves...