EKU Now offers valuable credits, taste of college life
High school is no longer the cookie cutter educational experience for students. There are a plethora of different opportunities for every kind of student. For some students, one of the most important parts of high school is getting ready for the unknown of college.
Many students desire exposure to college life. GRC has a unique working relationship with EKU. EKU Now allows students to get a feel for college and high school life at the same time.
Currently, GRC students go to Eastern University’s campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays with transportation provided. At the end of second period, students are expected to report to the bus.
Once they arrive on the EKU campus, students report to their assigned classes. Time has been allotted for students to grab lunch in the dining hall before boarding the bus to come back to GRC. Students are back by the time 8th period starts and are expected to attend their GRC classes.
Since students are attending these classes off campus, this will leave some empty periods on their GRC schedule. Students who fall into this category have two different options.
Option one is to stay at school and finish papers that need to be completed, or study for upcoming exams.
Coleman Earlywine is an EKU Now student who chooses to stay at school. “On the days where we don’t go to EKU, I usually just sit in the library at GRC and get all my homework done,” he said. “This way I won’t have to do hours of homework when I get home.”
On the other hand, some students choose option two. Students may check out of school during this time, as long as they return before their 8th period class and have parental permission.
Senior Counselor, Ms. Mink explained the schedule gap. “Traditional college classes are set up on a rotational day and our high school schedule is set up differently,” she said. “This allows for students to be set up to succeed in allowing them to have study time.”
One of the more challenging obstacles for these students is learning how to be independent as a student.
EKU expects all students to function as a typical college student, which means the expectations are that they are independent and bridging communications between parents and guardians.
For example, students will be responsible for relaying billing information or issues to their parents. Furthermore, professors will not be able to contact parents if a student’s grades are noticeably suffering.
Since students will be taking both college and high school courses, the credit will double up. This means, if a student is taking an English class at EKU but not GRC, the credit will still count as both a high school and college credit.
Students need to be extra careful to watch their grades in these classes. If a student were to fail a dual credit course at EKU, they would not only lose that college credit, but would have to discuss options to make up that credit at GRC.
This program is not only catered to students who plan on going to EKU for college. Students can use this program to collect college credit from EKU, then transfer the credits to another college.
“I really think it’s worth it if you are trying to get through some credit hours,” Earlywine said. “I don’t plan on attending EKU, but the opportunity to get these credits done was something I couldn’t pass up.”
Getting English credits is one area where students need to be extra careful. Students in EKU Now who are planning on going to college at University of Kentucky need to take an EKU communications course because communications is a part of UK’s English credit. This is the only way the EKU credits will transfer.
If students have a college in mind other than EKU, it would be beneficial to check out if the communications course is needed.
Joining this kind of program helps build lots of great skills and characteristics that are key for finding success in college, such as independence and responsibility. Students have to make sure they are ready for these changes.
Students interested in joining EKU Now should talk to their counselor for more information. They can help answer any questions or concerns students or guardians may have.

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