Hey guys! My name is Anna Barnes, and my lifelong dream was to become a part of the legacy that Smoke Signals has created. Getting to serve as an editor for the program has really made my high school bucket list complete. My bucket list for my life however is far from complete. I still have to skydive, annoy Mrs. Crosby for the rest of her life, and do all the other scary things people put on their bucket lists. Before I go on my sky diving adventure some things about me are: I play soccer, have 3 siblings, and will win any card game that comes my way. I am so excited to be co-editor-in-chief this year with Caroline and can't wait to enjoy lots of school lunch meals with her!
Hi there! My name is Meredith Boone and I’m looking forward to another year of sharing stories with my community through entertaining videos. When I’m not at school, you can find me at Dancer’s Pointe (aka the studio I’ve spent thousands of hours in since I was a toddler.) I have to say, I’m truly an old lady at heart; I love binge-watching Murder She Wrote, baking, and sitting under a cozy blanket. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would probably pick Hawaii but my favorite place to be is Disney World. Nothing brings me as much joy as walking down Main Street in Magic Kingdom. I will never get sick of any Disney-themed roller coaster. I cannot wait to see what opportunities this school year brings!
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