Storage Wars
Rebecca Eaves
Staff Writer
Heartbreak. I know about heartbreak. That soul crushing feeling when you pick up your phone, expecting a text from your best friend about the latest gossip, or maybe a funny meme from your group-chat. But then, you see it. Remind 101.
We are in the age of social media. We obsess over Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. But for every selfie taken with a dog filter, three new Reminds are sent.
Every student probably has the numbers 8-1-0-1-0 embedded in their brains. Getting messages from your teacher is one thing, but now it’s affecting our precious data and battery life.
Our storage suffers too. We want to download the newest game or latest app from the Kardashians, but instead apps like Schoology, Infinite Campus, and Quizlet take up half the storage on our phones.
You would think that with the lack of phone service we get in the building, that teachers would use other methods that do not depend on accessing the Internet.
In the past, students would get in trouble if they were seen on their phones. Now, they might fall behind on an activity or assignment if they can’t get on the Internet or their phone.
The teachers encourage us to use our phones in class for projects and assignments. While this could be a good thing our school’s bad Wi-Fi is a fatal flaw. Even if we were willing to use our data, we can’t because of the horrible connection.
School has taken over phones. We lose the storage and battery life that we need. All of the loading and buffering takes up our data and class time, and it truly breaks my heart.

Rebecca Eaves is a Senior and second-year Smoke Signals member. She watches the TV show Friends on repeat and loves the color blush pink.