FFA Instills Values of Hard Work and Leadership in Members
Cows, tractors, and corn. This is usually what people think of when you tell them that you’re in FFA.
People hear those three letters together and automatically think you’re just a farmer who loves crops and animals.
FFA is much more. It’s so much more than what I can ever put into words. It’s not just a way of living; it’s what you do for others and how you take leadership into your hands for your community.
Ever since I was little, I always wanted to do something for others. Whether it was picking up something if someone dropped it, or to holding the door for someone.
Although doing those things made me happy, I still wanted more.
When I started high school, I knew I wanted to be a part of something, but I had no idea where to go.
Then, one of my friends recommended FFA, a national organization for high school students that are involved in agricultural areas to help serve their community.
Growing up, my family owned a farm, and I had some experiences there with animals and grew a passion to love and care for them.
Come to find out, the school offers many animal science classes that I would be able to take, and it would make me eligible to be in FFA.
Ever since then, I’ve continued to take animal science classes and I’ve even joined the FFA executive team. FFA has done more than help me find a career that I love; it has made me a better person.
Throughout my three years in FFA, I’ve experienced a lot of community service. Before, I am going to admit, I was a tad spoiled from my parents. I never really looked at people who had less than me.
However, when I got involved with the Thanksgiving Day baskets the FFA puts together every year for people in our community who cant afford to have a meal, my view changed.
The production and deliverance of the baskets to people in our community really opened my eyes. Believe it or not, there are people you may know who live in this situation.
Doing this for my community made me grateful for what I have. It has made me strive to give back to my community to make sure less and less people each year have to be delivered a meal.
FFA has also made me an outstanding leader. I was shy. I could never stand in front of others and talk or take lead on a project.
My sophomore year FFA Advisor, Terra Pigg, encouraged me to join the executive team. With this came a lot of responsibility, leadership, and communication.
At first, I was nervous. After many years of practice, I am a pro.
Without FFA, I truly believe I would’ve never been able to come out of my shell and become someone who is not afraid to take initiative.
FFA has truly changed my life for the better. I believe if you love helping others in your community and doing many Ag related things (not just farming,) then FFA is the club for you.
We’re like a big family here, we all support, care, and love each other. I gained a FFAmily.

Katlyn Hall is a Senior and second-year Smoke Signals member. She loves elephants, her favorite movie is The Legend of Billie Jean, and she is the secretary of Clark County FFA.