Is it Appropriate to Celebrate Christmas Before Thanksgiving?
Lauren Brinegar
Multimedia Staff
Don’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…”
…Literally with all the Christmas lights and 94.5 playing endless amounts of Christmas music.
Thanksgiving has yet to pass, but Christmas decorations have already begun to appear.
As I see more and more neighbors decking out their houses for Christmas, I feel my heart grow warmer, a twinkle glimmer in my eye, and my attitude grow a little less Grinch-like by just looking all around.
Some of you may know that I am Christmas’ biggest cheerleader and I am an advocate for decorating before Thanksgiving.
Why not extend our times of jubilee and give in to the Christmas cheer?
Families tend to travel for Thanksgiving and aren’t able to come back to their home until the second week of December, by putting up the decorations the day after Halloween, you get to have more time to enjoy “the most wonderful time of the year.”
Putting up decorations before Thanksgiving is less stressful. Trying to hurry up and decorate for Christmas in the midst of the chaos makes it less fun.
Families are so eager to have the house adorned that they rush through it and don’t enjoy putting the decorations up as they should.
By decorating early, you can do a little each day over the course of a few days and take the time to reminisce when hanging ornaments or flipping through last years holiday cards.
Goodbye pumpkin spice, Hello Christmas mice.
This year rather than hanging my “Be Thankful” poster above the mantle, I’ll show you one of the things I’m thankful for… my Christmas decorations.
I’m not saying that you have to skip thanksgiving; you can still celebrate Thanksgiving even if your Christmas tree is already up.
Putting up your Christmas decorations just means that Santa Clause might come in for a visit during your Thanksgiving dinner.
Stop being a scrooge and accept that Christmas is coming sooner than you thought.
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”
Lauren Palmer
Social Media Editor
Please Ho Ho Hold Your Horses
Happy Thanksmas Christgiving!! People all over America have been combing Thanksgiving and Christmas for years and it’s time for it to stop.
November is the month to be thankful for everything you have. To show your friends and family you are thankful for them.
But in the past 18 years, I have seen Christmas starting earlier and earlier each year, distracting Americans from the real meaning of Thanksgiving.
Americans get so obsessed with worrying about when they’re going to put up their tree, what time they’re going Black Friday shopping, and what gifts they’re going to buy.
They become so obsessed with the idea of Christmas that they put Thanksgiving on the back burner.
Thanksgiving deserves just as much fame and glory as Christmas.
Black Friday starts earlier and earlier each year; at this rate it will probably turn into Black Thursday and Friday.
People are skipping Thanksgiving meals to go get the “best deal” when really, the stores are bringing down their outrageously marked prices to something a little more reasonable.
Millions of Americans go Black Friday shopping, which means that people have to work the stores.
Working on Black Friday, that actually starts Thursday night, means that workers can’t have their Thanksgiving meal with their families.
Pushing these Christmas deals so close to Thanksgiving is depriving working Americans of their Thanksgiving.
If we started celebrating Christmas at an appropriate time, like 3 days after Thanksgiving, then people would have time to eat with their families and be thankful for the things they have.
Thanksgiving is supposed to be a happy time full of fall colors and fall decorations.
The colors of Thanksgiving are reds, oranges, and browns; not greens and reds.
Putting up the tree, the garland, and the wreaths takes away from the Thanksgiving spirit.
Thanksgiving is a great holiday that deserves to be preserved by the American people. Don’t let Thanksgiving die. Give Thanksgiving a chance people.

Lauren Brinegar is a Senior and second-year Smoke Signals member. She loves cows, the movie Steel Magnolias, and she is a member of the marching band and the treasurer of FFA.

Lauren Palmer is a Senior and second-year Smoke Signals member. Her favorite TV show is How I Met Your Mother and she loves the color white.