GRC Has Much to Celebrate
Staff Editorial
Achievement. Talent. Completion. Triumph. Nouns GRC students familiarize with and substitute in sentences daily for the greater word: Accomplishment.
From athletic teams excelling in state competitions to academic organizations awarding scholarships, our school represents many skills in varying exercises. This substantial list of achievements summarizes the varying aptitudes of GRC but does not fully represent every individual talent; the talent is too extensive. Here are some of the clubs and organizations that have excelled this year:
- Future Farmers of America has awarded 27 Greenhand degrees and 17 Chapter degrees. They also have a Creed Speaking winner representing FFA at the regional level. They had 75 thanksgiving baksets donated this school year. FFA annually sponsors a free lunch for teachers and community members.
- In the past few weeks alone, Beta Club members have created 250 dog toys for local animal clinics, donated 150 stuffed animals to the UK Neonatal Unit, sponsored the AHA Heart Week and raised approximately $500 for this organization, and donated $320 to the next year’s holiday fund for GRC students. Our chapter was recognized as a School of Merit and School of Distinction by the National Beta Club for the 2016-2017 school year. They have two National Beta Club Scholarship Semifinalists. They also have volunteers each week at the Cairn for the Meals and Mentors Program.
- The JROTC Air Rifle team won the conference championship, and the JROTC Raider teams have had a tremendous competition season with several trophies and wins.
- The Academic Team, though dominated by freshmen, is sending its Quick Recall team to state, along with several individuals in written assessment.
- 100 percent of our Nurse Aid students who tested passed the state certification exam.
- Five students were selected to All-State Music ensembles.
- Incredibly, GRC is 91.7 percent College and Career Ready, an unheard of mark for high schools.
This list is just a sampling of the achievements our students, clubs and groups
continue to accomplish this year. Besides our School of Distinction, GRC is showing excellence in so many diverse ways.

Derek Scott is a Senior and first-year Smoke Signals member. He's a fan of burritos and listens to the The Offspring's "The Kids Aren't Alright" on repeat.