Many people prefer the warm sun that comes with the summer and some prefer the snow and coziness of the winter, but which one is truly the best? Staff writers Heiraelle Osborne and Sydney Antoniou are ready to put this debate to rest.

Winter is superior
Winter is by far the best season. My favorite part about it is all of the holidays that happen during the winter. Christmas and New Year’s Eve — what isn’t to like? There aren’t many notable holidays in the summer, and Halloween just can’t measure up to Christmas. Not to mention the weather during the winter. You can thank the snow for all of our days off. I hate being too hot or uncomfortable during the summer, and if you are too cold during the winter, you can simply bundle up. I don’t get to wear my favorite sweaters or hoodies during the summer, and I get to wear them in the winter. Winter is also just a good time to settle down and focus on ourselves more since there aren’t as many events cluttering our schedules. Also, there are so many fun activities that come with winter. Building snowmen, making snow cream, bundling up and watching your favorite movies. I love when the snow covers everything and makes it so bright outside, not to mention how pretty it is when it glistens in the sun. You just don’t get that during any of the other seasons. Winter is just more aesthetically pleasing, comfortable, and prettier. This is why it will always be superior.
Summer is #1

The most dreadful season is here. Winter. You can’t even walk outside without feeling a cold breeze making you shiver. The freezing temperatures make it miserable to be outside and all you can do is build a snowman and go sledding, which can get boring. Although snow seems nice to look at, it’s a different story when you have to shovel your driveway in the freezing cold to get out of your house. Also, snow and ice also creates hazardous conditions, making driving and walking very dangerous. I would much rather be laying out on a sunny day in the summertime relaxing by the pool and tanning, because in the winter I look like a skeleton from being so pale. The constant need to bundle up in layers in winter is such a hassle, and the cold weather often keeps people indoors and isolated from people, which is very depressing. Overall, winter doesn’t offer the same level of enjoyment and freedom that summertime does.