GRC is full of many amazing clubs and pathways that prepare students for their futures.
Lydia Chenault, a current junior, found her passion within the ATC hallway in the SkillsUSA club.
SkillsUSA is a student organization that helps students who show interest in technical careers after they graduate.
“There’s not very many trade makers anymore,” said Chenault. “SkillsUSA focuses on closing that skill gap.”
Not only does SkillsUSA focus on technical areas, but it also prepares students with skills necessary for the workforce.
“We learn the three main points of SkillsUSA’s framework,” said Chenault. “There’s personal skills, workplace skills, and technical skills.”
After taking an interest in this pathway and organization, Chenault ran for a state officer position in April 2024.
“I had to apply and campaign for the position,” said Chenault. “I also had to prepare a speech and answer a question in front of a crowd.”
After becoming a state officer, Chenault has been given many amazing opportunities within the organization.
“I went to nationals where I voted as a delegate of Kentucky,” said Chenault. “I also helped plan and organize the SkillsUSA fall leadership conference.”

Chenault has shown her greatness every chance possible during her time as a state officer.
“Lydia is an exceptional student and reflects the excellent qualities of a leader,” said Kentucky’s SkillsUSA Director Kimberly Woodall. “She represents our organization on many levels.”
While Chenault has participated in events on the national level, she is also preparing for important showcases of SkillsUSA within the state.
“Other officers and I are going to speak to legislators this month in order to keep our funding,” said Chenault. “We’re also planning the state conference for the end of March.”
Throughout all of her experience as state officer, Chenault has gained unique knowledge.
“I went through training on the national level where I learned training on conflict resolution and other leadership skills,” said Chenault. “All of the skills I have learned, from leadership to personal, will stay with me after I graduate.”