One of my favorite memories as a child was my mom’s impressive VHS tape collection. From The Fox and The Hound to Shrek, from Cinderella to Mary Poppins, we had them all.
However, it wasn’t just the VHS tapes that made these movies nostalgic and iconic. Something about the cute animations and dated special effects just made them seem cozy and original.
Lately, it seems as though the magic implanted in original Disney works is starting to fade, and it’s not just because I’m getting older. Every time they remake a movie, start a series, or make a new sequel, I feel like I die a little inside. Disney is no longer selling for entertainment, they are selling for money.
Their strategy, and their downfall, is Live-Action remakes.
Disney is taking our love for the original films and using it to rekindle some part of our childhoods that we can only get back by spending tons of money to go see the remakes on the big screen.
I’m not talking about the Disney Princesses necessarily, not the original ones at least. I think providing children with a real-life version of their favorite princes and princesses is a beautiful concept.
However, do we really need a Live-Action Lilo & Stitch? Personally, as a hardcore Stitch fan, I am not looking forward to this movie release.
The correct answer is no. The animated film was cute enough. They have made sequels, series, books, and specials. The list is never-ending. We don’t need to add a Live-Action remake to the mix.
Don’t get me wrong, the Live-Action remakes have provided many opportunities for upcoming actors. Not to mention, it provided opportunities for actors of many races and ethnicities. The films themselves aren’t the problem, it’s the lack of originality.
These new actors are amazing, not to mention extremely talented. Disney is doing a great job at keeping inclusivity as one of their main goals.
However, I would rather have a new plot and a new character made to incorporate these new actors and their ethnicities rather than switching up an old character and trying to fit everyone in. It would feel more genuine and intriguing than watching the same movie in a different form over again.
These characters we all fell in love with, the stories, they are so special and original. But eventually, we will get tired of them because they are never left alone. How much can you add on before it’s no longer the same movies and characters?
Disney is trying to fix what’s not broken. At the end of the day, the outdated technology that was used to create the original Disney films is just a sign of where it all started. It’s not affecting anything.
There is something so pure and wonderful about the original animated films. It blew our minds away when we were younger, and I’m still impressed with them today. But Live-Actions leave nothing to the imagination. We know what happens, we’ve seen the actors before, and it’s not as magical.
I love Disney, and at first, I loved the Live-Action recreations, but it’s getting a bit excessive. We don’t want remakes of our favorite films, we don’t want a new series based off the characters.
We want the magic that created Disney, we want the nostalgia we get when watching the frame-by-frame animated motion pictures. Please stop over-kneading the dough and give us more magical films that fill us with the perfect child-like wonder.