Levi: Thanksgiving is the best!
Throwing a football in the yard, the family gathered all together, the smell of delicious food. Thanksgiving is here.
Thanksgiving is always overlooked, being set right in between 2 big holidays, Halloween and Christmas.
I will always appreciate Thanksgiving. In my eyes, Thanksgiving is in the top 3 for best holidays.
Each year I have four Thanksgiving meals, my immediate family, my church, and both sets of grandparents. Thanksgiving allows us to all gather and make many memories.
People see Thanksgiving as a holiday where you just eat with family, there is so much more to it. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for the things you have in life. What people don’t realize is we are very fortunate to have a place to gather with family at, and the supplies to put food on the table.
Thanksgiving has the best food. My grandma every year makes sure to make pecan pie because she knows how much my cousins and I love it. Pecan Pie is better than pumpkin pie.
If I had to eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be Thanksgiving food.
With all of my cousins living in different states and being so busy with school and the after-school activities, I never get the time to see them. When Thanksgiving comes around I get so excited because I know that I get to see them.
We always love to spend time outside before and after we eat our meal, to just enjoy the beautiful fall weather.
You can be excited for Christmas to come, but don’t forget about Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday for families and being able to enjoy the nice weather before the cold front of Christmas comes.
Karlee: Thanksgiving is a waste!

Turkeys gobbling, cold weather, and leaves on the ground all remind me of my least favorite holiday: Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving was once a time where you gathered with your family to recognize things you should be thankful for, but it’s been overshadowed by Christmas and the purpose of the holiday has been forgotten.
Many people skip over Thanksgiving and go straight to being in the Christmas spirit after Halloween.
Most people I know put their Christmas trees up as soon as the clock strikes midnight on November 1st. If Thanksgiving is a good holiday, then why do people easily forget it?
Thanksgiving is also now more focused on food than celebrating being thankful. People now argue over what Thanksgiving food is the best rather than listing why they are thankful.
Without the meaning behind why you are gathering with your family for dinner, the holiday is useless. You eat every day, so what’s the point of celebrating a day where you eat?
Not only has the purpose of Thanksgiving shifted, the holiday has become harder to celebrate for my family because everyone is getting older and moving away.
My family is scattered all across the nation, making coming together in the middle of November difficult. In order for most of my family to be able to come home for holidays, they need multiple days off work or school to travel.
Time off work is usually hard to extend for Thanksgiving rather than Christmas, where a few holidays fall within the same 10-day span.
Traveling near holidays is more expensive than normal, so it’s just easier for my family to wait and spend this money to travel for Christmas where we can spend more time together.
Maybe I’m the Grinch of Thanksgiving, but the holiday just brings on unnecessary stress and this stress costs a lot. Others can enjoy their turkey, but I can’t say that I’ll be partaking this year.