January Teacher Feature
Smoke Signals illustrator Derek Scott has created a new goal for himself. This school year, he wants to take on the challenge of getting to know some of our teachers so he can inform more people on the outstanding teachers we have throughout the building.
This month’s Teacher Feature is on Coach Caleb Watkins, or Mr. Watkins depending on how you know him. To be honest I didn’t think I would see a coach care about emotional issues; they often compare it to weakness. But not Mr. Watkins, he recognizes the importance of mental health and how strong one can be if they were to overcome it. Even in college he knew the main reason he wanted to be a teacher was so he could help. And that’s all he wanted to do, help. But he can’t help anyone who isn’t willing to help themselves, that’s why his favorite type of student is one that shows personal motivation and is not just in there for an easy credit. But it’s not enough, Coach Watkins attends graduate courses in order to achieve his definitive goal, become a counselor. He even volunteers often at his local church. Because to him its all about helping in more ways than education.

Derek Scott is a Senior and first-year Smoke Signals member. He's a fan of burritos and listens to the The Offspring's "The Kids Aren't Alright" on repeat.