If you’re currently a senior, you know exactly what senioritis is, and the last thing you want to do is read an article about it.
Actually, if you’re a senior you probably won’t even read this to begin with. But since the majority of people at GRC aren’t seniors, I’m gonna write one anyway.
Senioritis is really hard to put into words, and you’ll never fully understand it until you actually are a senior. The best way to explain it would probably be through a hypothetical.
Say you’ve spent the last four years of your life doing a jumble of homework balanced with whatever extracurriculars you are involved in. Since it’s your senior year, you’ve just sent in an abhorrent amount of applications for both colleges and scholarships, and now you’ve got even more homework in front of you.
How easy would it be to just take a zero on it, or just turn it in late if your teacher takes late work?
If you think this isn’t real, look at the work of the average senior compared to the average junior. I would be willing to bet a ton that the junior’s work is more timely, complete, and done with more effort than the senior’s.
And who could blame either of them? What motivation do you have once you become a senior? Your GPA is basically set in stone at this point, so why in the world would you give your full effort on assignments when you can take a late grade every once in a while.
The problem with senioritis is how slippery of a slope it is. There isn’t anything wrong with a late assignment every now and then, but once you start putting stuff off it is absurdly hard to stop.
Trust me, I know how easy it is to put stuff off. I probably could’ve written this story in half the time it ended up taking me, but you can probably guess why it took me as long as it did. The motivation to do work to the best of your ability starts to fade after you’ve been doing it for four years nonstop. Even so, that isn’t an excuse to not do the work.
It’s one thing to have one late assignment and pin it on senioritis, but if you have like 20 missing assignments it’s not senioritis, you’re just lazy.
As far as dealing with it goes, it’s kinda just something you have to push through. You’re not gonna get much sympathy either if we’re being honest, because literally every senior ever has had this too.
My advice for dealing with senioritis is to literally just do the work. I get it: Doing work stinks. But what stinis even worse is letting assignment after assignment pile up then having to do all of it at once.
If you just take time out of your day to really focus on your work, you’ll save yourself a lot of time down the road. And if you are a senior and reading this, you’re almost there! You’ve got one more nine weeks; just keep on pushing.