Let’s GO!
I think we can all agree that the dead period in between Christmas Break and Spring Break is easily the hardest part of the year. It’s three months of straight boring, nothing to look forward to, nothing exciting going on at school. This is the time of the school year where people struggle, they lack motivation, and their grades drop. But wait, this can all be changed by taking a vacation for Spring Break.
Imagine this: It’s the third 9 weeks of the school year, work is hard, and senioritis is kicking in. Of course you have been looking forward to Spring Break since the day we came back from Christmas break. You can’t wait to escape the small town, even if it’s just for a few days. It’s a great feeling to know something more exciting than laying in bed for a week is in your near future.
Nobody wants to be out in over 100-degree weather, sticky, sweaty, and gross. This is exactly what you will experience if you postpone your vacation until summer. Spring is the most perfect temperature. Kind of like GoldiLocks — not too hot, and not too cold; it’s just right. Whether you choose to go to the beach or far out West, Spring Break is the perfect time.
Another positive of going on vacation for Spring Break is the smaller crowds wherever you go. During the summer months, everyone is rushing to the same locations leading to a less enjoyable vacation. However, on Spring Break, every school is off at a different time, so every destination will be less crowded.
Think of a time where you went on vacation and had less fun than sitting on your couch for a week. It’s impossible, right? Yes, I know the costs of vacations can add up quickly. But you don’t even have to go far to have a good time. Simple day trips are all it takes to make Spring Break memorable. Free alternatives to vacation like going on a hike and walking through free museums are the perfect way to spend that week if the budget is tight!
Everyone needs a little getaway to spice up their spring. Going on a vacation for Spring Break is the obvious choice. Going on out of town for Spring Break gives you something to look forward to and something to reflect on in the months surrounding. Making the months of February through May much more bearable.
So this coming Spring Break, don’t let the boringness of staying home for a week get to you. Plan your vacation today!
Home Sweet Home

I, like many others, always look forward to a break from school, a time to relax, refresh, and reset. These breaks are very rare, there is hardly ever a moment where you can take time for yourself and decompress from all the stress of the average day.
You have to take advantage of these scarce opportunities. Staying home, watching movies, sleeping in, playing games, no itinerary or responsibilities sounds like the perfect way to spend my Spring Break. I don’t want to have to worry about the stress of having to plan a vacation, the expenses, sticking to a tight carefully crafted schedule, and long cramped car rides.
Planning a vacation takes a lot of time and effort. Spring Break is one of the busiest times of the year for vacations. If you haven’t started finalizing your planning by now you will never be able to get all of your affairs in order before Spring Break.
You have to plan activities, book hotel rooms, find places to eat and basically plan out every second of the week. Everything is booked months in advance and everywhere is so crowded. I would much rather sleep in my own bed at home then travel 2,000 miles in a hot cramped car just to share a twin bed with my siblings because every other room is booked.
Not only is planning a vacation stressful and time consuming, it also is expensive. In this economy nothing is cheap, hotel rooms, gas, food, it all adds up. There’s also a lot of hidden costs that people often forget about things like souvenirs, snacks and buying things you forgot at home.
If you decide to fly instead of driving, that can be even more expensive. Instead save up and go on a vacation in the summer, it won’t be as crowded, the weather will be warmer, and it gives you plenty of time to plan and find the best deals.
While it might seem boring on the surface, give staying home a chance you might find that taking a stroll around your neighborhood, or going out to see a movie can be much more enjoyable then washing sand out of your swimsuit and rushing around trying to make it to your dinner reservation on time.
Skip the Spring Break vacation this year, stay home, save money, relax, decompress, and enjoy some quality stress free time with family. Summer Vacations are more fun anyway!