Pain. Suffering. Misery. But all in silence. Check on that person. But most of all, check up on yourself. It could save a life.
People never truly realize the significance of life and how much it truly does matter. September is a month to recognize and bring awareness to the reason over 800,000 people die every year. Suicide.
As the years go on the challenges grow harder and we all try to adapt to change. Covid 19 was an event that hugely impacted the world and affected the mental health of people of all ages. Though the pandemic put our nation on pause, it failed to pause the decline of mental health. In fact, there was a 31% increase in suicide rates in 2021 compared to the rates in 2019.
According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, 1.70 million people attempted suicide in 2021. Forty-eight thousand people fell victim to suicide in the nation, equaling 132 individuals dying to suicide each day.
The point of the matter is people need to normalize talking about suicide. Stop waiting until you are personally impacted; stop waiting until it’s too late; stop waiting until that person is gone forever.
In the U.S., suicide is one of the leading causes of death every year, particularly for adolescents. The heartbreaking reality is that suicide is preventable; educate yourself on the signs and check on people.
Suicide affects any individual, any age, any ethnicity, any race, any male or female. This month is not just for those who have been personally affected; it’s for everyone.
If you are not sure on things to look for or the signs of those struggling, there are many ways available to learn.
The Clark County Health Department offers “QPR” training throughout the month of September. “Question. Persuade. Refer.” This training helps recognize the warning signs of suicide and helps save lives of those who are struggling.
Make the effort, and “Be the 1″ to save a life. Save that person because they can no longer save themselves. Make that effort because they no longer can. Give them that support because they can no longer support themselves. Be there. Save a human. Save a life.