Megan Hendricks
Megan Hendricks

How many years have you lived in Clark County?
I have lived in Winchester for the past eight (8) years. I was born and raised in Mt. Vernon, Kentucky, and moved here when I met my husband.
Do you have any children in the Clark County school system currently or who have graduated?
I do not currently have children who are enrolled in the Clark County school system. I do have two year old twins who will be starting school in the next few years.
Outside of the School Board, where are you employed?
I have previously worked as a real estate agent and I have also started a mediation and conflict resolution service.
What are you most looking forward to as a board member?
I am looking forward to helping improve the Clark County School System especially early childhood education and addressing how we safely tackle the challenges created by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
What change/fix to our community & school system is most important to you?
I think it is essential that we make sure our schools and community create an environment where our young people have the maximum opportunity for success. We have to continue to ensure that our high school students have a chance to every available opportunity and are prepared for a career or post-secondary education.
How do you plan to tend to the students of Clark County and listen to their opinions/stances on certain topics or issues that may arise?
I want to hear input from all our students and community stake holders. I plan to be available, attend school related functions, and to request input on essential issues.
What steps do you plan on taking to keep students and staff in Clark County safe from Covid-19 while also allowing them to learn/work in an ideal environment?
It is essential that we listen to public health experts in addressing Covid-19 and that we have a well formulated plan on how we create the best learning environment for our students and staff. I want everyone to feel safe in their learning environment but, I also believe that in-person learning creates opportunities for our students which can not be replicated in a virtual setting.
What is your advice to the students of Clark County right now in regards to our current situation navigating sports and school amidst the pandemic?
The students of Clark County are experiencing an unprecedented time, and are facing challenges that our nation has not seen in over 100 years. As a community I believe we have risen to these challenges and we will get through this. It is tough for our students to see so many aspects of their school life disrupted. However, they are also in a unique situation and are charting a path that no one has ever ventured down before. My advice would be to embrace the uniqueness of the times in which you are leaving, create new traditions, and most importantly be kind to one another.