For most of the senior class, graduation is the most bittersweet day of the year — watching the caps fly up, knowing it’s your last moment at school with your fellow classmates.
Lucky for our seniors, the community shows loving hearts and makes possible Project Graduation. Project Graduation is a night full of games, food, prizes, and final moments of fun with your graduating class.
“It’s just a fun way to be able to spend the last night with your friends and hang out and all be together,” says administrative secretary Christi Jones, who coordinates the event. “We have food all night long and games all night long. We even had a skating rink last year.” From 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., it’s seven hours of fun.
Parents, administrators, and community members don’t hesitate to show helping hands for our seniors through Project Graduation. “I reach out to all the businesses in Clark County asking for donations and it’s solely run through donations from the community,” says Mrs. Jones. “We get the parents to volunteer to help set things up and be here with the students throughout the night.”
Students are extremely grateful to see the love and support the people of Winchester and Clark County give them each year.
“I think it gives those kids hope that people are supporting them and that they’re happy for them that they have accomplished graduating high school.” says Mrs. Jones. “It shows that they support the students who work to earn heir diplomas.”
Without our Winchester/Clark County community, Project Graduation wouldn’t be possible. You won’t want to skip and miss out on this amazing opportunity!
Our first Parent meeting for Project Graduation is Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 6 p.m. in the GRC Library.